Helping You Find the Right Orthotic Solution
Ongoing Care Solutions offers a wide selection of orthotic devices and designs. Read about some of the different types that we carry and what purpose they serve. If you have questions about orthotic devices or the services that we carry, give us a call or fill out our online contact form to get in touch!
Static Orthotics
Designed to support, protect, and correctly position the joint(s) being treated and provide maintenance therapy, preserving the existing passive range of motion with routine use. Maintenance orthotic therapy is appropriate when therapeutic stretching is contraindicated due to pain or risk of injury (rheumatoid arthritis, RSD, severe osteoporosis, etc.). Static orthotics can also effectively provide progressive extension orthotic therapy by setting the device 5 in. to 8 in. ahead of comfortable end range stretch.
OCSI offers static bracing with the SoftPro® line of orthotics.
Air Bladder Orthotics
Designed with strategically placed air bladders to provide gentle Low Load Prolonged Stretch (LLPS) on shortened tissue to reverse Lost Range of Motion (LROM). Air orthotics "give" and can be used for patients with spasticity. Ideal for severely contracted joints and long-wearing schedules.
OCSI offers air bladder bracing with the AirPro™ line of orthotics.
Static/Flex Neuro-Dynamic Orthotics
Fabricated from bio-engineered flexible components that “flex” into the lost range of motion to provide Low Load Prolonged Stretch Therapy. The “flex” characteristics of the devices will “give” or reduce tension on the stretched joint during episodes of abnormal tone uniquely appropriate for managing spasticity.
OCSI offers static/flex bracing with the DynaPro® line of orthotics.
Orthotics for Specific Orthopedic Conditions
Designed components intended to effectively treat specific orthopedic conditions. Range of Motion Elbow and Knee Orthotics, ambulating knee braces, night splints for treating plantar fasciitis, and spinal supports are included in the product line.
OCSI offers orthopedic bracing with the OrthoPro® line of orthotics.
Orthotic Selection Guide
Lower Extremity Decision Tree Chart
Upper Extremity Decision Tree Chart
Orthotic Fitting
The Palpitation Method of Orthotic Fitting should be utilized when using Progressive Extension, Low Load Prolonged Stretch, or Neuro-Inhibiting orthotic therapy to ensure a good fit. Palpate the crease in the affected joint immediately after fitting the brace. The tissue should feel taut due to the therapeutic stretch being applied by the device. If the tissue is not taut, the device should be reset to initiate a gentle stretch. There should never be significant discomfort or pain associated with orthotic device stretching. Immediately remove the brace and re-set the orthotic to reduce the stretch applied by the device if pain or significant discomfort occurs.
Always re-palpate the treated joint several minutes after device application (10 - 15 minutes). An optimal fit will display significant softening in the joint crease when re-checked. If softening has occurred and the patient reports comfort, the fit is good. If there is no softening, the device should be re-set to provide a more gentle stretch.