Ideal “static / dynamic” neuro-inhibiting therapy to reverse moderate to severe adaptive tissue shortening contractures of the wrist and fingers.
Orthotic therapy for moderate to severe wrist, hand, finger joint stiffness, contractures, or treatment of abnormal tone and spasticity. Wrist contractures (flexion or hyperextension); radial or ulnar deviation of the hand; flexion / hyperextension contracture(s) of the MCP / PIP joints of the fingers; and adduction of the thumb. The DynaPro® Flex Hand has a thermoplastic insert that is heat molded approximately 15 to 30 degrees “ahead” of comfortable end range stretch at the wrist (i.e., with wrist contracture of -45 degrees, the insert is heat molded to –30 to -15 degrees). The device comes with incrementally larger palmar rolls. The palmar roll that maintains the fingers in optimal extension is attached to the palmar bar to hold the fingers in optimal extension during device wear. When applied, the insert will “flex” into the wrist contracture applying a therapeutic, neuro inhibiting stretch on the shortened tissue at the wrist and the fingers. The gentle tension applied by the correctly heat molded insert will provide abnormal reflex arc therapy to reduce abnormal tone over time as well as lengthening shortened tissue. As wrist extension is improved, the fingers will open incrementally farther when the wrist is flexed. The device should be modified by heat molding the insert every 6 to 8 weeks to continue contracture reversal (i.e., when the wrist improves from – 45 to -30, the insert must be heat molded to – 15 to neutral to continue the “flex” therapy). Treatment with the Flex Hand should continue until the wrist advances beyond neutral and the fingers open at least half way. Once this has been accomplished, a DynaPro® Finger Flex can be ordered to continue contracture reversal. By increasing wearing time to three to six hours per use, the Total End Range Time (TERT) of device wear provides long effects stretch and permanent increases in joint range of motion over time. Orthotic treatment should be continued until function is restored to the affected hand.
- Static/Flex Neuro - Dynamic Therapy
- Color Coded Straps
- Reverses moderate to severe flexion and /or spasticity of wrist, hand and fingers
- Two incrementally larger palmar rolls included to gradually increase extension of the MCP and PIP joints
Prod Spec | Prod Spec Value |
Adult | Width of MP Joints - 3.5" - 4" / Length - 13.25" |
Child | Width of MP Joints - 1.75" - 2" / Length 7" |
Youth | Width of MP Joints - 2" -2.5"" / Length - 8" |
Prod Spec | Prod Spec Value |
DP WF20721-L | Adult Left |
DP WF20721-R | Adult Right |
DP WF20721-C (Left or Right) | Child |
DP WF20721-Y (Left or Right) | Youth |
- Static/Flex Neuro-Dynamic Therapy
- Reverses Moderate/severe flexion and / or spasticity of the wrist/hand/fingers
- Two incrementally larger palmar rolls included to gradually increase extension of the MCP and PIP joints
- Color Coded Straps for ease of fitting
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